Seasonal Rules

Seasonal Rules 2023

  1. Read these rules, as you have agreed to this by the signature on your contract.
  2. All areas of Kacikewin RV Campground are used by the Season Holders and their guests at their own risk. The campground or their owners will not be held responsible for injury to any person or their guests or damage or loss to property of the season holder and/or their guests.
  3. All RV’s, boats  (including power, sail, canoe, and row) and other personal equipment and articles shall be covered by current and valid fire, theft, and liability insurance as well as valid registration and licensing.
  4. Maximum Trailer size is 36 Ft. including bumper to hitch. Trailers 34-36 ft. will be subject to over size charges.
  5. Everyone must register at the office immediately upon entering the grounds. The season Holder agrees that it will be his or hers responsibility to ensure that any guests visiting at your site are aware that they are required to register at the office, IMMEDIATELY upon entering the campground and are required to pay a visitor or overnight fee (if applicable). It is the responsibility of the season holder to ensure that their guests follow the rules and regulations.
  6. Visitors vehicles must be parked in designated areas, day visitors must leave the campground by 10 pm as we do not need extra vehicles inside the park when people are trying to relax.
  7. Sites rented or leased maybe occupied by the leasing party only. No subletting. Or letting your teen age children or your parents use the site when lessee is not there to supervise.
  8. Site rental includes storage of one trailer, tent trailer, or RV unit. Maximum of two vehicles per site, providing there is no infringing on the adjoining sites or road allowance. Extra parking beside the gate and other designated areas on the grounds.
  9. The season holder agrees to contain their belonging within the boundaries of their site, if not sure ask. If chosen to keep your boat, jet-ski etc. at your site during May to September it also will have to remain in the boundaries. There may be room by shop area.
  10. The Season Holder must keep up maintenance of the site. Please keep your site clean and tidy at all times. If management feels there is a need to clean up a site or cut the grass there will be no notice given to the lessee and a charge of  $75/hr. min.1 hour.
  11.  A pump out charge will apply for sewer tank dumps.  Check your own tank (don’t just guess, get yourself a measuring stick) and put your x on the signup sheet located at the store. When payment is received at the store your tank will be emptied with the next truck. A truck will be around once  every couple of weeks. Remember you also have a holding tank space so there should never be a problem. Absolutely no grey water dumping on the ground. Over flowed sewer tanks will be third party cleaned up and billed to the Season Holder. All sites must have one pump out per season.
  12. The Season Holder agrees that he or she must advise the management if vacating the site at any time during the season with departure and return dates if possible. If extended periods of absence occur without the management being notified your site maybe considered abandoned cleaned up and given away for the remainder of the season. If you are not staying the next season and you remove your trailer and belongings before the end of the season without a deposit for the following season the management reserves the right to re-lease your site at any time, with no refund to the past site holder. Trailers are not to be sold without the written permission of the management and at know time a transfer of the lease agreement will be permitted. A for sale sign put on your trailer is not permitted, any trailer sold behind are backs will have to be removed immediately and will give up the righto your site for the remainder of the season and a copy of these rules be given to the purchaser if required for a law suit. Remember our contract is with you.
  13. SITES ARE AS IS. ALL BUILDING AND LANDSCAPING ON THE SITE MUST BE APPROVED BY THE MANAGEMENT. Maximum deck size is 8’ x 20’ and must be minimum 2×4 construction. No pallet decks. Decks may have railing of 3’ max height, covered decks or enclosures are not permitted. A storage shed of 8’ x 8’ x 7’(that means one) is permitted and must be completed and painted the season construction started. Any and all improvements to your lot like cement block patios, landscape rock, gravel any trees or plants that you have planted must remain on your site when you leave. Total trailer length to be determined by management each site may vary. Check with management before purchasing a trailer as it may not be allowed on the site you have.
  14. Season Holders entertaining guests shall be responsible for their guest’s conduct while on the premises and shall be responsible for any charges incurred by their guests. At no time shall guests be allowed on your site if you are not on the grounds.
  15. Children must be supervised at all times, especially at the lake front, season site holders are responsible for the conduct of their children, and cannot be left un-chaperoned in the campground. Children should be at your site no later than 10:30pm.
  16. All pets must be kept on a leash at all times and the excrement be properly disposed of in the garbage NOT IN THE OUT HOUSES. No pets permitted on the beach area. Do not leave pets unattended in the campground, as excessive barking will not be tolerated. This includes your guests at the extra sites. Season Holders are at all times fully responsible for the conduct of their animals while staying in the campground. The management reserves the right to request the removal for any reason the pets or guests pets from the campground.  Certain breeds may not be allowed so all new pets should be discussed with the management as they will be let in by the sole desecration of the management.
  17. Out houses are not garbage bins do not throw any foreign objects into outdoor toilets.
  18. No alcoholic beverages allowed on the grounds other than your own site. Under no circumstances will minors be served or permitted to consume alcohol on any part of the property belonging to Kacikewin RV Campground & Cabins. The use of illegal drugs is strictly prohibited.
  19. Fires may be made only in fire pits, and must be 3 meters from decks and trees. Firewood may be purchased at the store, with the closed gate system you have to be here to accept your wood deliveries.  You may bring your own firewood in providing it is free of nails, non –painted or preserved in any way. Please insure there is no fire ban in place and never leave your fire unattended for any length of time. New bylaws state your fire pit must have a screen, since Kacikewin quit supplying fire pits years ago it’s your reasonability.
  20. Anyone who willfully or negligently defaces injures or destroys property or equipment of Kacikewin RV Campground and/or anybody registered will be held liable for the full value thereof.
  21. Cutting down trees, clearing of brush or removal of any limbs is strictly prohibited without prior permission of the management. Do not put nails in the trees. Dead trees and brush is an exception to the rule.
  22. Firearms, firecrackers or other noisemakers are prohibited. Quads or other ATV’s are not allowed on the grounds. Chainsaws and log splitters must have permission, and will be under the sole discretions of the management. It is now a county bylaw you must have a permit to shoot off fireworks anywhere in the county
  23.   The dock is for loading and unloading purposes only. No tying off boats no longer than it takes to do this.No bicycles, running or horseplay is not permitted on the dock, tell your children to PLAY SAFE.
  24. All boats are to be kept anchored on the left side of dock; but not to the dock, the right side of the dock is for swimming. For the safety of all, please refrain from boating within the bay area especially in the swimming side. Smaller watercraft that can be man handled into the water may be launched; all larger crafts can be launched at Alberta Beach. Trailer storage will be provided. At a cost.
  25. The gate will be closed 24 hours a day  but will open with vehicle weight from the inside 24 hours a day, please have any guests parked in designated areas. The gate will be locked in the open position from time to time for service personal or high traffic times.
  26. For the consideration of others QUITE TIME between the hours of 11 PM and 8 AM shall be observed. Turn off all music, radios etc.  No loud music at any time.
  27. Speed limit on all roads within the campground is 10 KM per hour. The safety of the children is primary concern.
  28. Due to escalating electricity costs, the use of electric space heaters or deep freezes electric hot water heaters and Christmas lights is not permitted. That includes low voltage deck lighting that requires power. Solar deck lighting is preferred.
  29. Over loaded breakers will be reset if necessary during store hours only. Most trailers have 12 volt backup lighting.
  30. The management reserves the right of reasonable access to the various campsites for purposes of inspection, maintenance and enforcement of these Rules & Regulations. In the event that any Season Holder, member of his/her family, and /or guests is in breach of the rules and Regulations, the said party (parties) will forfeit all rights and privileges of the Seasonal Contract and shall, upon the direction of the Management, vacate Kacikewin RV Campground & Cabins with no refund of any kind.
  31. Any public intoxication, rude language, fighting and causing any kind of disturbances with other campers or management will be cause enough for immediate eviction.
  32. Remember to shut your furnace thermostat down before leaving, shut hot water heater off  and any outside electrical lighting or we will shut your breaker off, food in your fridge or not, there will be no reminder call.
  33. Garbage produced on the grounds can be put in dumpsters, bringing your garbage from home will not be tolerated. Please refrain from putting any large objects in bins IE BBQ’s TV’s old appliances, that have been replaced in your trailer, flatten all large boxes. If one dumpster is full use second dumpster, do not place garbage on the ground around the bin. If both are full ask yourself if it can wait until the following week if it can’t take it home.
  34. If you decide or have change of plan in the spring to move out there maybe a short window to remove your items depending on the weather but probably will not before the last week in April to the first week in May. No entrees to pick up boats and trailers for repair or to come in to retrieve something or other its at the managers discretion all depends on the weather and road conditions.If leaving in the fall and not returning in the spring, sites must be vacated minimum 5 days before the last day of the season.
  35. No vehicles, motor bikes, utility trailers to be left on the grounds when you are not at the campground and not planning to come back that day
  36. Electric cars bikes, toys that kids drive around are restricted to day light hours only or from 9am to 9pm.
  37. The kids at the playground restricted to day light hours and not after 10 pm.


1) Remote gate opener deposit will be returned when the remote/remotes are returned to KACIKEWIN management and have been checked out to be in good working order and your site has been vacated and inspected. No refund after 30 days.

2) Remotes that are not returned when your yearly contract is not renewed or in default of your contract for any of the above rules and anything not mentioned above is left to the desecration of the management; the remote will be isolated from the gate entry system there by limiting your access   until such time as any problems may be resolved.

3) Under no circumstances may your remote be loaned to anybody, the 2 adults listed on the contract will only be the eligible users of the remote/remotes.

4)   Each seasonal contract will be limited to two gate remotes.

5)   Site damage and clean up deposit will be returned when your site has been inspected, and your site is left in a respectable fashion and the above rules have been followed like for example Rule #12

REVISED 01-08-2023